Push for Music
Beadtalk/Angel Bag by Rosalie Harrison
I would like to dedicate this bag to all of my Beadtalk family, First of all, a big *Thank You* to Barbara Elbe for the free angel pattern, and Jeanie Might for the beadtalk pattern, that is on the back, I will always have you with me. I used the darkest blue beads I had for the background because you , my earthly angels came to me in my *darkest hour*, I used mostly beads that came from the ones that some of you sent me, the angels on either side were a gift from Sarah (beadnik). The strap reads on one side "I Believe In Angels" and the other side "I Believe In Beadtalk" and I do. This is the only bag that I have done for myself, and now when anyone of you have a prayer request or need a positive thought, I will write your name or the name of the person that is in need and put it into the pouch and wear it there until I hear all is well. I love each and everyone of you, I am truly blessed to find a family like you. Love ya', Rosalie (busybeader)
Butterfly Bottle by Rosalie Harrison
Rosalie says: My sister sent me these tiny little bottles ( she works for a Dr. and they were going to throw away these bottles full of saline sololution , she told them i use all kinds of bottles for my beads and asked if she could have them ) . Well they are small ,1 &1/4 inches tall and 1/4" wide, I didn't know what to do with them , I had like a hundred, I was filling them with beads for samples to show what colors I had to people so they could see the actual color . The phone rang and I laid the full bottle on a magazine that had a pic of a butterfly on it , when I returned and looked down at it i got this great idea, and this is the results. Isn't it cute?
Gloria Bottle by Rosalie Harrison
Rosalie says:
"A new addition to my bottle collection.
Just in time for Christmas... meet Gloria , Gloria's bottle mesures the same as the butterfly but with smaller wings, on the back each wing I bricked a loop to hold the cording, the person I made it for has trouble with beads tangling in her hair, she can also change the color of the cord if desired.
Marilyn, by Rosalie Harrison
Rosalie says of this work:
"This piece is from Ann Benson's book *Beadwork Basics*, she uses size 14 seeds and it is a pin, but I decided I wanted to do a bag for my sister and I used size 11 japanese ( of which I purchased from Charlene Booth) Most of the pinks are matte so she don't 'shine' to much. She measures from top of the bag to tip of fringe 6" and 3&1/4" across, you can't tell to much about the fringe but it is twisted fringe with stars on the tips on the back row and a front row with glass hearts and balls. The strap is from Ann Paxton's site, I loved the way she did hers , I decided to put the year ' Norma Jean' was born (1926) and the year 'Marilyn Monroe died' (1962)"
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