Notice that you now have two threads coming out of one bead, pointing in opposite directions. Pick up THREE beads with the left hand thread, and NONE on the right hand thread. Bring the right hand thread through the last added bead on the left hand thread, making a crossover, and snug down.

Notice that you have two threads coming out of one bead--one pointing up and one pointing sort of down--that's now the right hand thread. Bring the lower (right hand thread) through the bead that is directly to the right of the bead you just added on to.

Then add TWO beads to your upper (left hand thread), and crossover with your right hand thread through the last bead (the second bead) that was added to the left hand thread, forming a crossover.
Again, notice the two threads coming out of one bead--one pointing up, one pointing down. Take the right hand (down thread) through the next bead directly to the right of the bead you just added on to. Pick up two beads on the left hand thread and crossover with the right hand thread, through the second bead added. Notice again that you've got two threads coming out of one bead--bring the lower one, the right hand one through the next bead to the right, and the UP through the bead directly above it.

Now you have two threads pointing up from beads that are right next to each other. Pick up one bead on your left hand thread and crossover with your right hand thread. This completes the first 'round'.
Notice that you have two threads coming out of one bead--you're ready to start the next round!! follow the sequence, three beads on left, crossover with right, thread through with the lower thread after the crossover to the next bead on the right (part of the last round), then two beads, two beads, then one....
Once you get the rhythm, it's easy....
Now once the bracelet is as long as you need it (measure around your hand at it's widest part and make the bracelet almost that long, you're ready to finish.

The object here is to pick up one bead on each thread, and then bend your bracelet around, crossover through a tip bead in the diamond pattern at the opposite end of the bracelet. Bring your thread down through and to the right, pick up one bead and complete the next diamond. Knot off your thread when you're done and put a dab of glue on the knot, then thread through, knot again, glue and thread through to secure.

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